At Explore & Expand Retreats, we believe that travel should be enriching for both the mind AND body. That’s why we’ve put together some essential tips to help you stay healthy and vibrant during our international adventures.
Pre-Trip Preparation:
Before you embark on your journey, we suggest a visit to your primary healthcare Dr. for any necessary vaccinations or medications specific to our destination. Not to fret! We’ve done the research for you and will share anything you may need. In our experience its best to visit your primary care Dr. vs. a travel specific clinic which are run solely for profit and usually attempt to up-sell you on vaccines and travel items. We suggest always having an antibiotic for belly related distress juuuuuuuust in case you encounter something that really doesn’t agree with your system. This rarely happens but we find we feel better knowing we’re prepared just in case. While you’re at the pharmacy go ahead and stock up on essential items like hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and any other personal prescription medications you may need during our trip.
Stay Hydrated:
We TOTALLY understand the appeal of skipping beverages to avoid navigating cramped seating and tiny airplane bathrooms but trust us~ drinking plenty of water throughout your journey will keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally. You’ll more easily avoid jet lag, feel more energized and sidestep any of those pesky dehydration headaches that can impact the enjoyment of our trip once back on the ground. Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine, as they can further dehydrate you and heavily impact your natural sleep schedules. We suggest carrying a LifeStraw bottle or something similar to allow access to clean drinking water wherever you are AND this helps cut down on the use of disposable plastic water bottles. It’s a win/win!
Eat Mindfully:
We like to indulge in all manner of exotic cuisines when traveling abroad, AND try to maintain a balanced diet to support gut health and immune system. Having a probiotic regimen for at least a few weeks prior to travel, coupled with a helpful digestive enzyme supplement helps us to stay feeling our best. When dining outside of our accommodations, we suggest you opt for freshly prepared dishes and avoid uncooked fruits and veggies that you can’t peel/still have their skin. These foods are less likely to cause tummy upset if they’ve been washed in filtered water, though this is a rarity and typically only the case in tourist specific or tourist driven establishments. When choosing street food to enjoy, be sure of its hygiene standards. One of our favorite parts of traveling is trying new cuisine and there are always plenty of options that call our name that also align with these best practices! 🙂
Get Moving:
Long flights and hours spent sitting in transit can leave us feeling lethargic. We combat this by incorporating physical activity into our itineraries. Participate in some of our yoga classes to stretch out those travel-weary muscles! You’ll leave retreat feeling better than ever!
Prioritize Sleep:
Jet lag can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule, leading to fatigue and decreased immunity. Ease the transition by gradually adjusting your sleep routine a few days before departure. Once you arrive at our destination, try to stick to local time and establish a bedtime routine that promotes restful sleep. We support these practices with yoga and meditation to help your body and mind ease into more nourishing rest through our retreat.
Practice Good Hygiene:
In crowded airports and bustling attractions, remember to wash your hands frequently with soap and water, or use hand sanitizer when handwashing facilities are unavailable. Avoid touching your face, especially after touching common surfaces like doorknobs or handrails. Missing your hand sanitizer? We’ve gotchya covered! We’re always happy to share!
Manage Stress:
We work to create as much ease for our travelers as possible with pre-retreat communication and support because we understand that traveling, especially to unfamiliar destinations, can be stressful. Finding ways to unwind and relax on the way to our destination, whether it’s through meditation (Kelly has options online!), deep breathing exercises, listening to podcasts (check out ours HERE) or simply taking a moment to appreciate the opportunity to be traveling, can help ease anxieties while in-transit. Once you’re with our group we’ve got every detail covered to allow for your relaxation and enjoyment. In one of our past retreat participants words, “It’s the best way to travel.”
Stay Informed:
Staying updated on local health advisories and travel restrictions, can feel daunting. Thats why we do this work for you, passing along relevant information! We follow guidelines from reputable sources such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and a whole host of on-the-ground connections and resource points to ensure your safety and the safety of others on Explore & Expand Retreats.
We understand the importance of prioritizing wellness while exploring the world. By following these best practices, you can enjoy our Explore & Expand Retreat, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and ready for our next adventure!
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